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Cancer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 45
Candidiasis………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
Capillary Fragility…………………………………………………………………………………………… 51
Cellulitis………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 53
Colon, Spastic (Colic)……………………………………………………………………………………… 55
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)………………………………………………………………………….. 57
Constipation …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 59
Cough………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61
Cramps, Digestive; Biliary ………………………………………………………………………………… 63
Crohn’s Disease / Colitis ………………………………………………………………………………….. 65
Cystitis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67

BioActive Botanicals
. Apizelen Herbal Antitumor effect; improves cell respiration; cleanses cells I
Complex liver, and lymphatics
. Burdock Blend Contains chelidonium which contains ten (10) alkaloids which retard tumor growth
. Echinaplex Boosts Immune System; stimulates T and B cells
. Genplex II Cleanses the lymphatic glands; purifies the blood
. Lapachoplex Provides naphthoquinone which as antiviral, antifungal effect
. Scrofularaplex Stimulates lymph and spleen; provides may apple with alkaloids which retard tumor growth
. Trifoloplex Provides red clover which contains thiocyanate molecule which retards tumor growth
Karzan Provides six immune modulations which increase T and B cell activation
Alfalfa Wheat Sprout Stimulates balancing of neuroendocrine system; activates T
Extract and B cell production; reverses left spin of electrons
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Apizelen Stimulates cell respiration; retards tumor growth
. Scrofularoforce Provides homeopathic venoms which clean out abnormal cells, causes lysis of abnormal cells
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Additox Insecticide detoxifier; stimulates release of insecticides into lymphatics
. Chemtox Stimulates detox of common drugs and household chemicals
. Colotox Stimulates release and detox of indoles and skatoles from the intestinal lining
. Dentox Stimulates detox of mercury and other dental toxins
. Hepatatox Stimulates detox of liver from chemical toxicity
. Renotox Detox kidney and urinary bladder of heavy metal, viral or candida involvement
. Virotox Stimulates the Immune System against various types of viruses
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
. Lymphoplex Stimulates lymphatic drainage; boosts production of T and B cells
BioActive Homeopathic Tonics
. Lymph Tonic III Contains ATP, CoQ10, carcinosin and other nosodes for activating the immune recognition of cancer and reactivating the connective tissue cleansing
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Scrofulous-HP Stimulates lymphatic drainage of glandular swelling and congestion in chronic swollen lymph nodes
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Phenyl Isothiocyanate Isothiocyanate molecule is useful in slowing down tumor growth
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
. Bio-Thyro Balance Provides thyroid support to enhance output of T4/T3 this in turn enhances cell metabolism
Bio-Colotox Cleansing effect on the colon; absorbs colon toxins, promotes normal flora and pH regulation
. Bio-Digeszyme P Contains plant enzymes which decrease inflammation and increase assimilation
Bio-Fiberclenz Bulk cleanser of the colon; stimulates detox of the liver, kidney and colon
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Generalized nutritional support
. Pancreaide Contains amylase, protease, lipase, and chymotrypsin for (Global Enzyme) breakdown of tumor cells
. Wobe Enzyme Provides plant enzymes; supplies pancreaide w
. BioActive Thymic peptides for increasing IL2, natural killer cells and
   Bioprotein Plus B cells
Biophasic Hepatatox Provides nutritional support for building up the Phase I, Phase II enzymes of the liver
. CoQ 10 Provides CoQ 10 to increase ATP production from the mitochondria. Dosage recommended is 300 mgs to 400 mgs per day.
. Immune Cell Respirator   Provides coenzymes NADH, riboflavin, CoQ 10 , D ribose, vitamin C, niacin for activation of the mitochondria
. Hyposcorbate Provides beet C plus buffered minerals to activate TNF and natural killer cells
. Bio-Antioxidant Plus Provides networking antioxidants – vitamin C, vitamin E, CoQ10, L-Glutathioine, and alpha-lipoic acid
Notes :
Cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment. Systemic detoxification and oxygenation will discourage growth of cancerous cells and tumors. Practitioners should avoid interfering with ongoing treatment by an oncologist; patients should be allowed to choose their options once these have been explained.
1. Bolster pancreatic activity:
Pancreaide (Global Enzyme)
Wobe Enzyme
2. Support oxygenation of cells:
Bio-Metabolic Balancer: antioxidant; endocrine balancer
3. Strengthen Immune System:
Immune Cell Respirator
4. Ascorbic Acid:
See Appendix C
5. Cleanse colon:
6. Test for environmental toxins, including: insecticides, chemicals, parasites, fungi, EBV. Detoxify liver:
Biophasic Hepatatox
7 . Magnetic Therapy: Test to determine which pole will suppress tumor growth
8 . Check hypothalamus and balance carefully; this is located on the TW20 of the allergy meridian and behind the ears.
9. Utilize Bio-Flower Remedies to readjust mental attitude problems
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Candidiasis can be persistent. In addition to homeopathically dealing with the yeast infection, the entire GI tract should be environmentally altered to be less acidic, thereby making it inhospitable toward a recurrent infection.
BioActive Botanicals
. Dandiplex Stimulates detox of the liver – provides betaine and choline which provide methyl donors
. Echinaplex Boosts Immune System: stimulates T and B cells; provides golden seal with berberine, an alkaloid with an antifungal/antibacterial effect
. Golden Seal Contains berberine, an alkaloid with antifungal/anti-amoeba/antibacterial effect
BioActive Candida Albicans
. Candida 6X Stimulates Immune System against candida albicans
Candida 12X
Candida 30X
Candida 100x
Candida 200x
Candida 500x
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
. F NG Stimulates detox of molds and fungi
. FNG 2 Stimulates immune defense against various strains of C. Albicans
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Lymphoplex Stimulates drainage of the lymph and spleen; stimulates B cell production
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Candida Stimulates Immune System against candida albicans
Mannan Constitutes 30-50% of yeast cell wall as well as some pathogenic yeast; useful to improve many of the symptoms, such as hives, which occur in candida infections
BioActive Tonics
Lymph II Activates the Immune Response against bacteria, viruses and fungi; stimulates drainage of the lymphatics
BioActive Homeopathic Sprays
Spleen 2X Spleen peptides which stimulate B cell activity and enhance Immune Response against fungi
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
. Bio-Dophilus Forte Provides acidophilus and bifida to change GI tract pH and environment; promotes growth of friendly flora
. Bio-Green Provides alkaline ash minerals; helps normalize pH of intestines changing the environment, thus fungi do not thrive
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Source of B vitamins and minerals; contains choline, betaine, inositol, and methionine, which provide methyl donors for liver detox
. Saccharomyces Boulard   Pro biotic which helps to regulate and balance the intestinal flora and inhibit dangerous gut flora
. Bio Colostrum Contains natural factors which inhibit abnormal flora
Notes :
1. Acidophilus Bifidus Complex to change GI tract environment:
Bio-Dophilus Forte
2. Progressive treatment through 12X, 30X, 60x, 100x, 200x, 500x potencies of homeopathic candida; then back to 6X for maintenance program
3. Extra B 6 , vitamin C and bioflavonoids are beneficial to counter the toxins from candida
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BioActive Botanicals
. Bilberry Anthocynadin has antibacterial action, which makes it useful in
Bilberryplex dysentery; contains flavanone and anthocyanin, which have bioflavonoid activity
Collonsoniaplex Contains stone root, witch hazel, and horse chestnut, which have astringent activity to tone small capillaries and veins
. Ginkgo Contains flavanone glycosides, which tone small vessels, and improve blood flow
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Arterioforce I Enhances coronary and general circulation
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Free Radical Aids the body’s intrinsic glutathione system; provides SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) and catalase which aid in sequestering free radical electrons
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Circuloplex Enhances general circulation; helps remove cholesterol and plaque from the arterial lining
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
. Quercetin Widespread flavonoid in the plant kingdom; useful in toning the capillaries
. Rutin Widespread flavonoid in the plant kingdom; useful in toning the capillaries
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Activin Grape seed OPC flavonoids which strengthen the capillary walls
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Contains vitamin C and bioflavonoids which strengthen the small vessels
Hyposcorbate Supplies vitamin C which enhances collagen metabolism
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Bacterial (most common: streptococcal) infection of skin and subdermal tissue.
BioActive Botanicals
Echinaplex Stimulates B cell production and phagocytic activity against bacteria
Ginkgo Contains flavanone glycosides which improve blood flow in the arteries and prevent platelets from sticking
Alfalfa Wheat Extract Stimulates balancing of neuroendocrine system; activates T and B cell production
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Drainage Stimulates lymphatic drainage; purifies the blood
Inflammation I Stimulates reduction of inflammation; helps reduce inflammation in the cellular tissues; stimulates repair
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
BAC Stimulates Immune System against various strains of bacteria
Systemic Detox Cleanses blood and lymphatics
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Lymphoplex Stimulates cleansing of lymph and spleen; activates B cell activity
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
BAC-HP Activates immune defense against bacterial infection in subacute and chronic cases
Scrofulous-HP Stimulates cleansing of the lymph and spleen in chronic inflammation; activates inflammatoryprocess in the connective tissue
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
BioActive Bioprotein Plus Provides thymic peptides and zinc for activating IL2 and natural killer cells
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Contains vitamin C and bioflavonoids, zinc, vitamin A, and other immune stimulants
Bio-Colostrum Provides immunoglobulins and thymic factor for immune support
1.  If bacterial problem:
2. To stimulate lymphatic drainage in infected area:
BioActive Bioprotein Plus Thymic peptides and zinc for activating B cell activity
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BioActive Botanicals
Black Radish Stimulates healing of intestinal lining; improves ileocecal valve; improves bile flow in liver and gall bladder
Cascarapex Contains anthraquinone compounds which stimulate peristaltic action; removes toxins out of the liver; provides licorice root which has an anti- inflammatory effect on the colon lining
. Elderplex II Contains slippery elm, cabagin, and licorice root, which have an anti- inflammatory effect; provides comfrey which contains allantoin, a healing stimulant; supplies slippery elm which coats, soothes and protects the intestinal lining
. Licroplex Improves adrenal function; reduces inflammation and promotes healing of the intestinal lining
Rheumplex Contains anthraquinone compounds which stimulate peristaltic action
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
. Colic Contains lycopodium, chelidonium, nux vomica and hydrastis; all of which help to decrease flatulence, improve liver function, and decrease colic in the abdomen
Intestaforce Contains comfrey, cayenne, fennel, and marshmallow, which provide a soothing, healing effect to the intestinal lining
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Colotox Stimulates release and detox of indoles and skatoles from the intestinal lining
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
. Adrenoplex Stimulates adrenal function
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
ANX-HP Promotes relaxation of the muscles and nervous system
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
. Bio-Digeszyme P Plant derived enzymes, which are pH stabilized; improves digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fats
Bio-Fiberclenz Psyllium seed husk with a special blend of botanicals designed to provide dietary fiber and colon cleansing
Bio-Colotox Contains bentonite powder and a special blend of botanicals, spirulina, chlorella, wheat sprout, and barley green powder; this provides living enzymes, detoxifying action of bentonite, and healing of the intestinal lining with botanicals
Bio-Dophilus Forte Provides acidophilus, bifidus and fructooligosaccharides which help to increase the normal flora of the colon
Notes :
1. Support adrenals and lethargic feeling with:
Adrenoplex: endocrine tincture
Licroplex: adrenal support
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BioActive Botanicals
Bayberryplex Contains uva ursi, solidago, horsetail, and other herbs which have a diuretic effect
. Cratagoplex I Heart tonic; contains hawthorn, which strengthens cardiac contractions, and vasodilates coronary arteries
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow, cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder; provides vitamin A, choline, inositol, and betaine for detox of liver
Soliplex Cleansing effect on the kidneys; improves filtration of metabolic waste through the kidneys
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Cardioforce I Improves coronary circulation
Edemaforce Stimulates lymph and connective tissue to release edema fluid
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Metabolism Contains Krebs cycle enzymes; improves cell respiration and utilization of oxygen
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cardio Tonic Stimulates heart function; provides EFA (Essential Fatty Acids)
Cardioplex Stimulates cardiac function; enhances oxygen utilization
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
CV-HP Stimulates heart function in chronic CHF
Edema-HP Stimulates the lymph and connective tissue to drain excess tissue fluid in chronic CHF
BioActive Tonics
Liver Tonic I Enhances Phase I and Phase II detoxifying enzymes of the liver
Kidney Tonic I Enhances increased glomeruli filtration of the blood taking out metabolic wastes
BioActive Homeopathic Sprays
NADH Plus Enhances oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria of the heart muscle cells producing more ATP energy
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
SH&F Training Boost Inosine is utilized in producing ATP. L Carnitine carries fatty acids to the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria to be burned as energy
CO Q 10 Plus Co Q 10 has been shown to be deficient in patients with CHF; utilized in mitochondria to produce ATP units of energy
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides B vitamins needed by heart muscle in production of ATP
Bio-Amino Card  Peptides of heart muscle which stimulate repair and enhance energy production of cardiac muscle
Immune Cell Respirator Provides D-Ribose, NADH, CoQ10 which help in DNA repair and increase activation of ATP production
Notes :
1. Soliplex:
kidney cleanse
2. Bayberryplex:
diuretic effect in interstitial fluids and ankle edema
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BioActive Botanicals
Cascaraplex Contains anthraquinone glycosides which stimulate peristaltic action of the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract
. Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow, cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder
Genplex II Cleanses the lymphatic glands; purifies the blood
Rheumplex Contains anthraquinone compounds which stimulate peristaltic action; acts as a milder stimulant for children and those with intestinal dysentery
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Hepatoforce Stimulates drainage of liver, biliary system and gall bladder
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Colotox Stimulates release and detox of indoles and skatoles from the intestinal lining
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
LGB-HP Stimulates liver and gall bladder in chronic constipation secondary to chronic liver disease
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
. Bio-Colotox Cleansing effect on the colon; absorbs colon toxins, promotes normal flora and pH regulation
Bio-Fiberclenz Bulk cleanser of the colon; stimulates detox of the liver, kidney and colon
Notes :
1. Support liver and gall bladder
Hepatoforce: for deeper cleansing
2. Intestinal muscular lining becomes paralyzed when saturated with bowel toxins
A. Detox bowel
B. Support liver
C. Induce peristaltic action
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BioActive Botanicals
Mulleinplex Stimulates bronchial dilation; helps remove mucous from the lungs
Myrrhplex Contains myrrh which is an antiseptic, and echinacea which stimulates the Immune System; decreases bronchial and sinus inflammation
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Cough Syrup Decreases the urge to cough; soothes the bronchial lining
Pneumoforce Stimulates repair of alveoli and bronchial cells in chronic lung problems
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Pneumotox Stimulates cleansing of the lungs of industrial pollutants and radiation
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Cough-HP High potency combination for chronic cough
Pneumo-HP Stimulates cleansing of the lungs in deeply ingrained degenerative
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Antioxidant Provides vitamin A, C, E, selenium, and zinc which enhance repair of bronchial lining
. Bio-Colostrum Provides immunoglobulins which build up the bronchial lining helping to resolve inflammation and infection
Notes :
1. Pneumoforce: Useful for cleansing the lungs
   Pneumo-HP is used for chronic lung conditions, i.e. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
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BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Colic Contains lycopodium, chelidonium, nux vomica and hydrastis – all of which help to decrease flatulence, improve liver function, and decrease colic in the abdomen
Hepatoforce Stimulates drainage of liver, biliary system, and gall bladder
Relaxoforce Causes relaction of smooth muscles
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
LGB-HP Helpful in chronic hepato-biliary dysfunction which causes bloating, flatulence, and constipation
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BioActive Botanicals
Black Radish Stimulates healing of intestinal lining; improves ileocecal valve; improves bile flow in liver and gall bladder
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow, cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder; provides methyl donors for liver detox
Echinaplex Reduces yeast involvement via berberine, an alkaloid with an antifungal/antibacterial effect
Elderplex II Contains slipper elm, cabagin, and licorice root, which have an anti- inflammatory effect; provides comfrey which contains allantoin, a healing  stimulant; provides an antiflatulent effect
Licroplex Supports adrenal glands; provides natural cortisone for anti- inflammatory effect
Vermaplex Stimulates expulsion of parasites
Artemisiaplex Contains wormwood, black walnut, pink root which help remove parasites
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Intestaforce Contains comfrey, cayenne, fennel, and marshmallow which provide a soothing/healing effect to the intestinal lining
  BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
FNG Stimulates detox of molds and fungi
FNG 2 Stimulates immune defense against various strains of C. Albicans
Amoebatox Stimulates immune defense against amoeba and giardia
Vermex Stimulates immune defense against various parasites
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
. Adrenoplex Stimulates adrenal function
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
ANS-HP Relieves anxiety which frequently aggravates colitis
LGB-HP Helpful in chronic hepato-biliary dysfunction which causes bloating, flatulence, and constipation
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Menadione Provides natural vitamin K which reduces inflammation by means of improved liver function
BioActive Homeopathic Sprays
RES Balance Peptides of thymus and spleen which activate T and B cells
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides zinc, which is deficient in Crohn’s disease patients
. Saccharomyces Boulardii  Probiotic for increasing healthy intestinal bacteria
Bio-Dophilus Forte Provides acidophilus and bifidus for GI flora
Bio-Colotox Contains bentonite, spirulina, barley green powder, chorella and wheat sprouts for detoxifying the colon
Phyto-Oxydants Powerful phyto antioxidant which counters free radicals created by toxic indoles and skatoles from the colon
Bio-Colostrum Provides immunoglobulins, which help to decrease inflammation in the intestinal tract
Bio-Digeszyme P Provides bromelain, papain, protease which improve digestion and assimilation; provide anti-inflammatory action on the intestinal lining
Muscle Firm Provides arginine which stiumlates healing and nitric oxide production; glutamine feeds and heals intestinal lining; enhances Glutathione production in the liver
Notes :
1. Test for parasite involvement:
2. Check for adrenal insufficiency:
3.   Check for serious yeast problems:
4. Many “gut reactors” have zinc deficiency, yeast problems (candida of small bowel) and adrenal insufficiency
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BioActive Botanicals
Bayberryplex Improves bladder irritation; contains uva ursi, solidago, horsetail and other herbs which have a diuretic effect
Echinaplex Anti- inflammatory effect; stimulates Immune System T and B cells
Soliplex Stimulates kidney flush; contains solidago which acts as an anti- inflammatory and urinary antiseptic; provides uva ursi that contains arbutin, which converts to hydroquinone, a urinary disinfectant
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Cystoforce Bladder targeted anti- inflammatory ; cantharis, apis mel, solidago, and uva ursi, all have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Renotox Detox kidney and urinary bladder of heavy metal, viral or candida involvement
BAC Stimulates Immune System against bacterial bladder infection
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Nephroplex Stimulates kidney and bladder repair and cleansing
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Cystoges-HP Stimulates bladder repair; gives relief in chronic inflammation of the bladder
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Cinnamic Acid Useful in bladder problems, such as enuresis, or irritation of the bladder
Notes :
1.   If heavy metal, viral or candida involvement:


All our products are made in FDA compliant GMP certified Laboratories in Germany, Switzerland, USA, India, and Spain. They are appropriately registered with the FDA as Dietary supplements, Homeopathic attenuations or Ayurvedic herbs. Utmost care is taken to ensure optimum quality and purity. Biogetica is a website visited from across the globe. Some countries consider Ayurveda, TCM, Supplements, Bioenergetics and Homeopathy to be medicine, while others do not. In order to comply with various FDA norms of numerous nations we say:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Information provided on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

As per the FTC Enforcement Policy Statement on Marketing Claims for OTC Homeopathic drugs anyone selling homeopathy must state.

There is insufficient scientific evidence that homeopathy works, and

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Our remedies have been traditionally used in Ayurveda and Homeopathy for centuries. Each remedy has a varying amount of modern research behind it. We, in abiding by the law make no claims of a miracle cure or permanent results. Individual results may vary from individual to individual.

*** Try our Products Now! Our Unconditional 100 % Money Back Guarantee is Valid for 90 days.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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